Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Purely random things

Purely random things

Below are 2 groups of vegetables/ spices etc. Can someone tell me what is common or different about the 2 groups ? Please leave your answers in comments

  1. Potato, tomato, green chillies, cauliflower, cabbage, apple, onion, garlic
  2. Sugarcane, karela/ bitter gourd, mango, pepper, banana,  ginger, tamarind, gooseberry/ amla.

When taking a flight do you feel drowsy for a few minutes just after take –off ? I do and so do a lot of people whom I have asked this . The reason is that shortly after take off , the plane makes a very rapid ascent. This drains the blood from the brain and towards the lower part of the body causing a very short period of  black-out or unconsciousness. As the plane levels off (usually 25 to 30 thousand feet) , normal blood flow resumes to the brain and we wake up. Fighter pilots and astronauts face the same problem but in a much more severe degree.

The english media in India refers to the BJP and its associated  groups (RSS , VHP etc) as Saffron parties. The reference to the colour is taken from the Hindutva cause and the   colour saffron which is considered to be the holy colour for Hindus. This is incorrect or at least inexact. The holy colour of Hinduism is known as “Bhagwa” (derived from Bhagwan) and is closer to brick red than saffron. If you see  pictures from the Kumbh Mela , you can see a lot of sadhus in this Bhagwa colour. Saffron is considered auspicious in hindusim but it is not the holy colour.

We have all heard of the Bhagwad Geeta. Ever wondered what this word Bhagwad means ? It’s made of 2 parts Bhag (from Bhagwan) and Vad ("said" . Vad is the Sanskrit root for the verb “to say” ).. So the literal translation of Bhagwad Geeta is the Song that the Lord (Krishna )  sang. In some English translations one can sometimes see the phrase “The Celestial Song” .

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