Saturday, April 20, 2013

Zandu Balm or Jhandu balm ?

Zandu Balm or Jhandu balm ?

Many of us have heard the Zandu Balm jingle on TV/ radio… Zandu Balm, Zandu Balm , peeda hari balm (peeda hari is pain relieving) . Till some years ago, whenever I heard this jingle, there would be a dissonance in my mind . The spelling of the product in English was Zandu whereas the jingle was pronouncing the word as Jhandu . For years I lived with this dissonance. Jhandu by the way is derived from Jhanda or flag.

Now Zandu is a Mumbai based company. So one day I mentioned this to a marathi colleague. To my surprise she found nothing wrong, no mis-match in it. On discussing with her, here is what I discovered.

It appears that in Maharashtra the English letter Z is pronounced as Jhed ( actually it is closer to Jhade as in Shade) and not as Zed elsewhere. I will repeat this in Devnagari script . In Hindi Z= ज़ेड (zed) . In Marathi Z= झेड ( jhade). SO quite obviously for a Mumbai company the English spelling of the product as Zandu was correct. So while Zandu might read as ज़ंडू to Hindi speaking people , it is झंडू (Jhandu) to Marathi speaking people.

Some of this confusion can also be seen in Gujarat which adjoins Maharashtra. There is a clan of Kshatriyas known as Jhala Rajputs ( in Hindi झाला ) . They live in Rajasthan and Gujarat. When they spell their name in English, the Rajasthan guys will write Jhala and the Gujarat guys will write Zala.

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