Thursday, August 1, 2013

Have you ever wondered why...

Have you ever wondered?

Why we feel drowsy / sleepy when the aircraft takes off. ? Well, over a period of time I noticed that for the few minutes immediately after take off, I doze off. Then I checked this with a number of other people. And most, but not all, said they have also had the same experience. Then I googled a bit and presto!! found the reason. Immediately after take-off, the aircraft goes into a steep climb. This causes the blood to temporarily partially drain out of the brain and move to the lower part of the body…and hence the short sleep. After a few minutes, as the aircraft reaches its normal flying height and levels off , the blood flows back to the brain waking us up. Pilots of fighter planes and astronauts go through the same experience, though in a more severe way. Short black-outs are common.

Why condoms are marketed in fruit flavors? Well it’s nothing to do with taste at all. So why the flavors? It is because condoms are made of natural rubber and natural rubber has a slightly unpleasant smell. In order to mask that unpleasant smell, condom manufactures use fruit flavors like banana and strawberry. So why not mango or papaya? Because Banana and strawberry have obvious sexual linkages which mango and papaya do not have.

Why after a sleep/ nap we feel refreshed only after washing the face. There are two reasons. First during sleep/ nap, blood circulation to outer surface of the body reduces. This causes the slight feeling of numbness in the face. While washing the face, we also massage the face and that restores circulation making us feel refreshed. Second, and this is more specific to full length sleep rather than a nap, the natural secretion of oil from facial skin blocks the skin pores, thus preventing the skin from “breathing”. Washing the face removes this film of oil and we feel refreshed.

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