Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Sweeping statement

A sweeping statement

Recently (Aug 2013) in a protest against the division of Andhra Pradesh some home makers and employees took to sweeping roads a a mark of protest. (http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-08-06/hyderabad/41131152_1_seemandhra-priests-samaikhyandhra) I don’t know if this form proof protest is unique to India, but I know it has been around in India for quite some time. In the 70’s and 80’s when unemployment among educated professionals (doctors, engineers) was high, this was reported frequently. Then as employment opportunities rose, it became less frequent and has surfaced only now after about 15 years.

Now my point is this: why is sweeping roads considered a form of protest? When I applied my mind it struck me hat that these were upper caste people trying to show the world that some problem had virtually degraded them to sweepers, who are traditionally lower caste in India. And what can be worse for an upper caste to be demoted in the caste hierarchy !!

But look at it from the point of someone who actually sweeps the roads for a living. How does it make her/him feel when they are used as an example of degradation ? Not very happy I am sure. Not only do they have a difficult life, here are upper caste people making an example of their misery.

Sweeping is also looked down in other cultures for sure, but I have not heard of it being used as a protest-symbol for degradation. I wish the people in India who use it as a protest would apply their minds and come up with some other form of protest.

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