Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Gender bashing ! Old habits die hard

Gender bashing !
The bit about men being “interested only in one thing” is scientifically true. Anthropologists tell us that homo sapiens first appeared 5 to 7 million years ago. By contrast “modern civilized” man appeared less than 7000 years ago. So even if we now wear designer clothes and use iPads and Laptops, there is still a lot of “animal” nature in us. The demands of evolution were that procreation among homo sapiens (indeed any species) be strong on quantity and quality both. Males ensured the quantity part, by making available an (almost) limitless supply of sperm and sharing it liberally around with all available and sexually active / receptive females. Females supplied the quality by producing just one egg per month and selecting only the most able (or fit) male to procreate with. And once a pregnancy occurred, she was not available for one year. The human race would not have survived the 5 million years through evolution if these traits were not built into our DNA. 

Now, contemporary society is mainly monogamous, has laws to support monogamy and to that extent it is more suited to the evolutionary predisposition of women. But 5 million years of evolution cannot be suppressed by mere laws and men will continue with the instinct to “spread their seed”. The interesting thing to note is that men are not only continuously interested in sex, they are continuously interested in sex with multiple partners. It does not mean that there are no faithful/ one-woman men. But they are exceptions rather than the rule. And even among these one-woman men, for the larger part its lack of opportunity rather than choice.

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