Saturday, October 27, 2012

Have you ever been conned ?

Have you ever been conned ?
This happened on a weekend somewhere in the year 2002. My wife and I had gone to Shoppers Stop one evening. It used to be then in its old location on Magarath Road. As is usual, parking space was difficult in Bangalore and I followed my rule of “park in the first available slot even if it means walking half a kilometer.” Once parked, we were walking towards the store, when a man stopped me. From his appearance and demeanour, it was obvious that he was asking for some kind of help. He spoke Kannada, a language that I do not understand. (Kannada goth illa, saar). He looked about 40, balding, malnourished and wearing a shirt and trouser which were frayed at the edges. Rubber slippers nearly falling apart. Over his shoulder he had a jhola bag. His eyes were watery as he spoke to me, and his voice was almost cracking with helplessness. Since my wife knows Kannada well, she stepped into the conversation. Well this guy’s story was that he was going from Hoskote to Whitefield and did not have enough money to take a bus. It seemed a little odd that he should be at Shoppers Stop, since it was neither on the way nor near a major bus junction. In any case he wanted 20 rupees. My wife told me that I should give him the money. To his luck, the smallest note I had in my wallet was 50 rupees, so that’s what I gave him. He thanked us and went on his way. Moving on, my wife and I briefly discussed the rather unusual place (Magrath Road) this man had come for his journey between Hoskote and Whitefield and then forgot all about him.

That is, I forgot about him till about four months later. I was driving and was at the corner of Manipal Centre road where it meets MG Road. I had slowed down to take the turn and who should I see on the pavement but the same man! He was similarly dressed, complete with the jhola and he was in conversation with a young couple, no doubt telling them about his aborted journey. I think I even saw the young man reach for his wallet.

For a moment I thought of stopping and asking the trickster to refund my 50 rupees, but I did not, and drove on. I had no intention of taking him to task, or exposing him to the young couple. Just to get my own money back.

At home I told my wife about this and we had a good laugh. I must say I still admire the man’s acting ability. His act was so damned convincing! But more than that, I thank him for giving me an enriching experience, which makes for good conversation. I must have spoken of this incident to so many people. Not a bad return on 50 rupees !

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