Wednesday, October 24, 2012

State elections Feb_Mar 2012 >> I TOLD YOU SO !

State elections Feb_Mar 2012
The elections are over and the results are out. Also over is the analysis-orgy on news channels, the exit poll results and their live-analysis. One channel (CNN IBN ) was quite accurate in the predictions. Elections produce the same media frenzy in India as IPL or World Cup and seem to have just about a much impact. Entertainment and no more. Rarely does an elected government , whether BJP, Congrss, Akali Dal etc etc make a significant impact on development and governance. But more on that in some other place. It is the UP elections which interested me most.

UP has a population of 20 crores.. so ranked among national populations, it would be the 4 the largest after China , India and USA. It sends 80 plus MPs to Parliament. A state election in UP considerably influences the formation of the Central Government. Therefore the importance of UP elections should not be under estimated.

Here is what we heard after the results came out.

Digvijay Singh (Congress loose canon) took “full responsibility” and offered to resign. He would have continued his resignation offer had not Sonia Gandhi exonerated him by saying that the congress infrastructure in UP was weak. I understand Digvijay always carries on his person a dozen readymade resignation letters.

Rahul took “full responsibility” , but unfortunately did NOT offer to resign. I would have loved to see him offer a resignation and loved even more to see his resignation accepted. It is time for India to cast aside the Nehru-Gandhi family and for Rahul to get a shave.

Sonia Gandhi , like her son, did NOT offer to resign. My comments on her same as for Rahul. She blamed the infrastructure in UP. Now even 4th standard students in India know that Infrasructure is a huge problem.. for the last 20 years. For gods sake we even have tax rebate on infrastructure bonds . So why did she wake up only now ? Really,  I exhort her to resign and start a Pizza shop (Called Asli Italian Gandhi Pizza.. branches in Switzerland) and I promise to eat a pizza every year. From Pizzahut of course.

Unusually, this time the Congress did something which normally only BJP does after a defeat. They, the Congress, said would do introspection. Is this a foretaste of a likely Congres BJP alliance in the near future ?They will jointly introspect !

Mayawati true to form blamed everyone / everything (except her own party’s corruption, poor governance) for the losses, though she DID leave out the CIA and ISI this time. Her defeat, she said , was a direct result of the communalization of the elections by the BJP and Congress. This forced 70% of the muslims to vote fro BSP>

Which brings me to my main reason for writing this post. << I TOLD YOU (BJP) SO !! >> In an earlier post I had written that no party in India can afford to ignore the muslim voter. That’s something the BJP refuses to learn depending instead on the hindu-hormone theory. Well, its let them down for the fifth time.

Akhilesh Yadav was the big winner.. and interestingly he has not been saying much.

Overall, personally I am happy with the results. It is the beginning of the rule of second generation Backward class leaders. Things will change for the better. The dynasty has a real challenge on its hands in the coming years. It might even get wiped out. 

Amen to that !

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